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Breast milk is thought to be the best form of nutrition for neonates and infants. The properties of human milk facilitate the transition of life from in utero to ex utero. This dynamic fluid provides a diverse array of bioactive substances to the developing infant during critical periods of brain, immune, and gut development. The […]

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Having a baby is an amazing and exciting stage of life. Mothers must make many decisions to prepare for their sweet bundles of joy, including how to feed the baby. Most new moms decide to breastfeed. Breast milk is the perfect food for babies, and breastfeeding is convenient and affordable. When I had my son, […]

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Researchers have long hailed breast milk for its ability to boost an infant’s immune system. Now, a new study led by Johns Hopkins researchers provides further evidence of this after discovering how breast milk can protect against a severe intestinal disease that affects preterm babies. NEC is most common in preterm babies, who account for […]

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A mother’s milk may contain different levels of nutrients depending on the sex of her baby to meet different growth needs. Baby formula should be tailored for boys and girls to reflect the differences in milk that mothers produce depending on their baby’s sex, researchers say. Tests on mothers’ milk in both monkeys and humans […]

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